Report back on key milestones.
For example, Nokia have put forward an idea to attach sensors to phones that could report back on air quality.
Starting in 1968, researchers at Aberdeen recruited family doctors to report back on their female patients.
They might do well to ask Dr Shapiro for more detailed views on how that should be done, and to report back on the results.
The body said the Centre for Life would report back on its work and the licence variation would not affect any decisions.
My parents were pleased because that way we could 'keep an eye on each other' and of course report back on what the other one was up to.
So ministers decided at the G20 to pass the bonus problem on to the as-yet untried Financial Stability Board to look at and report back on.
于是,各国财长在G 20峰会上决定,由尚未一试身手的金融稳定委员会(Financial Stability Board)寻求花红问题的解决之道,然后再呈交报告。
This feature includes the ability to undo Settings and also checks the overall security health of the systems to report back on Settings that may have been changed.
At one job centre in the city of Gotha, a 23-year-old woman was told that she had to attend an interview as a "nude model", and should report back on the meeting.
We were expected to test AMS on our non-production systems and report back on a regular basis, providing feedback on performance, functionality, and usability to the developers.
He would also report back on the proposed mechanics of our collaboration with the Guardian and the German magazine Der Spiegel which Assange invited as a third guest to his secret smorgasbord.
She came back to give us a progress report on how the project is going.
One person in the group should be prepared to report back to the class on your discussion.
He talks about the line falling back, the sector evacuated, and so on and so forth, as though he were dug into a trench and writing a report to headquarters.
The communique asks for international organisations to report back to the G20 on the drivers of higher prices and to consider possible action.
Today, we look back on those 90s-era crises almost wistfully — in retrospect, they feel like painful high-school memories: a bad report card or a rejected PROM invitation.
Back on the main report, a summary of the questions asked to the client, as well as the answers received, are displayed, as shown in Figure 31.
OF 108 COUNTRIES where malaria is endemic, ten are on track to eliminate the disease in the near future, according to a report by Roll Back malaria published on October 18th.
It was a pain, because I had to be on Windows to chat, then reboot to Linux to try solutions, then boot back to Windows to report.
You get back on task for a bit, working on that important report.
Apple declined to comment on the workers' letter and referred a reporter back to its supplier report.
The online report contains a photograph of the partial fingerprint that Biro said he had found on the back of Horton’s painting.
The current financial crisis cannot be an excuse to put climate on the back burner, the report warns.
Also on Tuesday, a report on home sales that are under contract showed that buyers were flocking back to the housing market.
General retailers, on the front line of the consumer downturn, report continued weak trading, although the outlook on the High Street is not as grim as a few months back.
A lot of the lads were used to getting in their cars after games and going off to visit family and friends.They would report back for training on the Monday.
A lot of the lads were used to getting in their cars after games and going off to visit family and friends.They would report back for training on the Monday.