The nonlinear resistance element (20) has nonlinear current-voltage characteristics common to those of the storage element (10).
The shape of the liquid crystal display device as a whole can be reduced by the formation of the resistance element and other peripheral circuit on the substrate of a liquid crystal panel.
Using sales model, grasping resistance and risks and determining suitable growth model are the crucial points for market element.
The sheathed standard Pt resistance thermometer composed of sensitive element, leads, insulator, and stainless steel protective tube is a die assembly after it was drawn out.
In this paper, the influence of alloying element on the oxidation resistance and wettability of low tin solders is investigated.
Can effectively complement crop boron element, increase crop resistance to significantly increase crop yield and quality.
The basic theory of resistance extraction in VLSI layout verification is described. A novel resistance extractor based on the boundary element method is presented.
A strain gauge is a force-sensing element whose resistance changes in proportion to the amount of force applied to the element.
The heating element is screwed up by high resistance alloy wires and installed on the hearth's two sides, the rear wall of the furnace bottom and the furnace door.
Chromium can improve the oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance of steel, so it is an important alloying element in stainless steel and heat-resistant steel.
Based on good localization property of the K element (inverse of the partial inductance method), a fast algorithm for interconnect inductance and resistance extraction is proposed in this paper.
Based on FEM, an axis symmetric finite element electro-thermo-mechanical model in the formation of molten core of resistance spot welding is introduced.
The temperature sensing element type WZC copper resistance is a wire winding.
The resistivity of element rapidly rises as the temperature rises, under normal operating conditions , generally the element resistance doesn't change with the service time changing.
二硅化钼电热元件的电阻率随着温度的升高而迅速增加。 在正常操作情况下,元件电阻一般不随使用时间的长短而变化。
Manganese element in soil have obvious function to the photosynthesis and metabolism of plant, and can promote growth, strengthen the disease resistance and increase the output.
The thermistor element can be selected to meet any resistance-temperature curve and tolerance.
In this paper, the influence of casing eccentric wear with different diameter on casing collapse resistance capacity was researched by finite element software.
In regard to non wear resistance of the white iron shot in the practical application process, alloy iron shot have been produced by means of adding alloying element and proper heat treatment.
In addition, it analyses the crack resistance of the walls of huge reinforced concrete cylindrical tanks under prestressed measures by finite element analysis software of ANSYS.
The heredity and environmental factor's interaction promoted the island of langerhans B cell secretion island of langerhans confused insufficiency and thrusts out the island element resistance.
By using the elastoplastic finite element method, mechanical model for wear tension and internal pressure resistance of casing joints is set up.
In chapter two, finite element method (FEM) and the process of calculating the distributing parameters of cable resistance, inductance, capacitance and conductance by FEM are presented.
The resistance spot welding process of mild steel was studied by experimental and finite element methods.
The results of numerical computation of finite element method and analogy model test of electric resistance network also indicate the serious effect of anisotropy on the position of saturation line.
The results of numerical computation of finite element method and analogy model test of electric resistance network also indicate the serious effect of anisotropy on the position of saturation line.