Responsible department or the Project department is responsible for the preventive measures to be implemented.
If the labels are unclear or lost, the responsible department shall investigate the case and prepare a new one as required.
The preventive measures developed by the responsible department should be implemented after approval by the management representative.
If it is not stated according as required, the supervisors of the responsible department should responsible for the disclosure, if there is any.
The inspector organize the assessment with the responsible department and related on the site when find the problem. Handle it according to the above.
As a responsible department, it has urged that "decisive action is required" to safe guard the survival of the rich and various life forms in South Africa wildlife reserves.
It is important work for administrative responsible department of geology and mineral resources to go through the formalities of mine license and to continue register procedure.
Education administrative responsible department deepen to identify the idea of "mark" and "quantification", with the result that it disadvantages the overall enforcement of quality education.
In the process of handling customer complaint and inquiry, in case of refusal and buck-passing, the responsible department and persons shall be punished according to the assessment provisions.
The department is responsible for the provision of residential care services.
Researcher Erica Weis, MPH, of California's health services department, suggests that public health campaigns and media coverage of outbreaks may be responsible for the decline.
To administrate the department establishments, staffing and number of leadership positions; to be responsible for the allocation of functions and responsibilities of the customs institutions.
However the National Nuclear Security Administration, the part of the Department of Energy responsible for the programme, said this week that the report is now expected by August 2008.
然而,负责该计划的国家能源部的分支——国家核安全局(National NuclearSecurity Administration)本周讲道,该计划的报告将有望在2008年8月就绪。
to be responsible for the management plans for the administrative affairs of the Office and the management of related department administrative affairs;
Now he heads up the Weta department responsible for painting the surfaces of characters.
In addition to ordinary sales activities and management of department, responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members.
When a big storm occurs, the Space Weather Prediction Center releases a warning to the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, emergency managers and agencies responsible for protecting power grids.
In a blogpost, Han said the reasons were unclear and cautioned his followers not to assume that the propaganda department was responsible for the failure to reach a second edition.
An HR department is responsible for the HR policies of many different organizational units.
Responsible for quality controlling of maintenance in operations department.
And every officer in every department deriving his authority from and being responsible to them for his conduct.
And every officer in every department deriving his authority from and being responsible to them for his conduct.