There is no indication at this point of the need for any restriction of travel to or from Zambia or South Africa and no special measures are required for passengers arriving from these countries.
"It's to the point now where, if caloric restriction does not extend human lifespan, we're an exception on the planet, " Sinclair agrees.
Previous successes in extending lifespan have involved withdrawing food to the point of near starvation, a process called caloric restriction.
In distribution systems where high point vents are not installed, high velocity flow and flow restriction techniques can be used to ensure complete filling of the system.
We believe, from the point of information integrity, this restriction can be relaxed to reversible matrix.
The key point of this research was to identify the threshold of ramp metering and how to combine the ALINEA algorithm with the restriction of the queue length.
From the point of research process, this article expatiates, when performing their right of academic freedom, scholars need both law criterion and moral restriction.
In chapter 3, we study the influence point mining of linear model under elliptic restriction, and show the corresponding statistical function and the outlier mining algorithm.
For this point, this part will study the value of national tax power and right restriction on the tax legalism, tax fair and protection of taxpayers 'rights.
The restriction among point, line and plane in 3d-space are used to get the trajectory pose accuracy measurement model, which is based on line matching technology.
In this dissertation, it researched the point line coordinate capacity of railway based on quantify the coordinate of the every links and strengthen railway terminal capacity's restriction.
Based on the number of restriction enzyme detecting RFLPs, most of mutations were attributed to point mutation.
Gain the relationship of system which has no restriction and system which has a known-point restriction under the condition of having the same parameters, by analysis of mathematics simulation.
But the central point of the argument usually lies in whatever reason should be used to testify the justness of the restriction, also what kinds of speeches should be restricted and how.
This paper point out that the advantages of this method are of high precision, wide measurement range and without restriction of soil conditions.
This paper point out that the advantages of this method are of high precision, wide measurement range and without restriction of soil conditions.