The research, published June 10 in Physical Review Letters, details the findings of ub Assistant Professor Eva Zurek and ub postdoctoral associate Pio Baettig.
6月10日发表在《物理评论快报》的一篇文章,详细介绍了助理教授EvaZurek和博士后pio Baettig的研究成果。
Part two is concerned with literature review involving valuable findings and important theories in SLA, research and development of the Grammar-Translation method and the Communicative method.
Based on a review of the relevant domestic research findings, this paper summarizes the studies on cross-border ethnic groups done in China from the perspectives of history, present and future.
Secondly, through the literature review, the author discusses the research findings of the preceding researchers and the meaningful influence of these research findings on this thesis.
The findings appear in the current issue of the research journal Physical Review Letters.
The last part of the research are review and prospects, and the summary of the findings and deficiencies.
Methods On the basis of literature review, this study conducted an analysis and induction of research findings.
Methods On the basis of literature review, this study conducted an analysis and induction of research findings.