Get your code in an revision control system.
Historically, there never was a formal source code management or revision control system for the Linux kernel.
Our goal in this section is to develop a method for moving code from your revision control system to the production server in an orderly fashion.
These points are to serve as a jumping-off point for you to consider how to better integrate CVS (or your revision control system of choice) with your entire development workflow.
We chose Eclipse because it provides a common development platform in which to collaborate with excellent project file management, local revision history, and an integrated revision control system.
It features a revision statement, which I define using a keyword to be expanded by the revision-control system.
While this is an unusual operation (after all the purpose of a version control system is to keep every revision of every file forever), sometimes it's necessary.
DCC is responsible to control and manage the numbering, release and revision of quality system documents.
Through on-line calculation and revision of the predictive control system, comprehensive performance of the control system was improved.
The system is mainly to control and manage the addition, revision, update and deletion of software which are in all boards of the BSS system.
软件版本管理系统主要是对BSS系统下所有单板运行软件的添加、修改、更新以及删除 操作进行控制和管理。
The features of a CMS system vary, but most include Web-based publishing, format management, revision control, and indexing, search, and retrieval.
The features of a CMS system vary, but most include Web-based publishing, format management, revision control, and indexing, search, and retrieval.