Doug Szajda, a computer science professor at the University of Richmond in Virginia, explains.
There are good genetic reasons why having a baby might re-sculpt a woman's brain for the benefit of her baby, said Craig Kinsley, a neuroscientist at the University of Richmond in Virginia.
I felt the way a friend of mine felt as we later watched the unveiling of the Richmond statue in a subdued ceremony: "But he's so small!"
"We will probably end up losing our home and not have property in Richmond," Carpenter tearfully says. "But we are fighting this battle for Richmond."
Still, Greenwald would need a much larger budget to start making the kinds of detailed predictions seen in Richmond or Memphis.
The same thing happened in the Shenandoah River Valley northwest of Richmond.
Who knew that there were two clubs in Richmond, Virginia whose names begin with a c!
Richmond, Ind., has had such an onslaught of garage sale signs posted in the right of way that the city has placed stickers on prominent light poles warning of violations and fines.
That summer, basking in the Championship's glow, Mitch Richmond stepped away from the game.
The little river began to rise. The commander of Confederate forces in Richmond saw this as a chance to smash a large part of McClellan's army.
I was especially moved in Richmond a few days ago, when 209 of our fellow citizens got to ask us questions.
He was living under an assumed name in Richmond, Va., where he was remarried, working as an accountant and serving as treasurer of his Lutheran church.
The truck was taken from a hotel parking lot in Richmond, Virginia, and was recovered outside another hotel.
The trench lines of the Petersburg–Richmond theatre of operations in the final months of that war were the foremost example of trench warfare in the 19th century.
In Richmond, Virginia, the homicide rate dropped 32 percent in one year after the city installed its software in 2006.
A team of scientists, including Brian Richmond from George Washington University, discovered these precious fossilized prints in dried mud in 2009.
This could suggest Denisovans were "comparable in size to Neanderthals, maybe a little bit bigger," said George Washington University's Richmond.
I then implemented the migration script taking as a basis code fragments defined in (B. Richmond, 2004) (R6).
随后,我执行移植脚本作为(B . Richmond, 2004)中定义的基本代码片段(R6)。
Crowds of families gathered to watch the annual Christmas parade in Richmond, Virginia, where a series of giant festive balloons were marched down the town's main street.
Two nights later, on October 15, we had the second debate, in Richmond, Virginia.
Premiered March 26, 2008 in Richmond, Va.
From wrapping up his successful college career at Kansas State to playing for Team USA in the Seoul Olympics and getting drafted into the NBA, Richmond accomplished more that year than most ever do.
Two other large metropolitan areas are visible in the image-norfolk and Richmond, Virginia, at image lower left-but neither is considered part of the ASC.
Jim Rettig, President of the American Library Association and university librarian at the university of Richmond, said that the 2008 data would not reflect a recent uptick in circulation at libraries.
During the second half of his short life, Poe went after a literary career in New York, Richmond, Philadelphia, and Baltimore.
The abandoned Richmond Mine in California has the most acidic waters in the world, courtesy of underground microbes that consume sulfides and excrete sulfuric acid.
Ken Kendler, a psychiatrist at the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, points out that for some people, sadness is definitely something they are better off without.
Lee got a hug from her coach and grabbed a South Korean flag for the victory lap, an increasingly familiar celebration at the oval in suburban Richmond.
Cindy Jez, a 55-year-old real estate manager in Richmond, Va., has gone through these transition summers several times with her two oldest boys, a junior and senior in college.
Cindy Jez, a 55-year-old real estate manager in Richmond, Va., has gone through these transition summers several times with her two oldest boys, a junior and senior in college.