Hu is the administrator of RIEL. He was awarded a bachelor of art degree in English, a MSC in urban planning, and an LL.
Riel (currency code KHR) is the national currency of Cambodia. It is used mainly for buying local produce and other merchandise.
Taking things one step farther, Riel-Salvatore theorizes that modern humans did not kill off Neanderthals, as researchers previously thought.
更进一步,里尔-萨尔瓦多的理论说现代人类没有像研究人员先前认为的那样, 灭绝了尼安德特人。
Taking things one step farther, Riel-Salvatore theorizes that modern humans did not kill off Neanderthals, as researchers previously thought.
更进一步,里尔-萨尔瓦多的理论说现代人类没有像研究人员先前认为的那样, 灭绝了尼安德特人。