Prevention is by far the better option, yet the Shared risk factors for these diseases reside in sectors beyond the direct control of public health.
Unfortunately, all the main risk factors that contribute to these diseases fall outside the direct control of health officials.
Moreover, control of these risk factors lies beyond the direct responsibility of the health sector.
Prevention is by far the better option, yet most risk factors for these diseases lie beyond the direct control of the health sector.
Studying disease as a way to predict risk factors for ill health is one of the pillars of public health research.
Tobacco use is one of the biggest public health threats and one of the main risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including cancer, lung diseases and cardiovascular diseases.
To examine the relationship between specific types of child mental health problems and severe physical punishment, in combination with other important known risk factors.
The risk factors are considered “modifiable” risk factors — those things which could be changed to enhance the health and well-being of the child.
Unfortunately, most risk factors arise in sectors beyond the direct control of public health.
The effects of risk factors on people's health is examined in detail in the newly published Comparative Quantification of health Risks.
Lack of appropriate feeding can set up risk factors for ill-health.
Several factors increase the risk of health care-associated infections, including.
Research conducted after the World Health Assembly found that diet and exercise are key elements in combating many of these risk factors.
The crowding of infected and susceptible hosts, a weakened public health infrastructure, and interruptions of ongoing control programs are all risk factors for vectorborne disease transmission (36).
In the animal feed processing, these things may be hazardous to the health of animals, but because do not affect the safety of food, so in the HACCP plans do not belong to the important risk factors.
May 2005 | Geneva - The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 20 major risk factors are responsible for almost half of the approximately 57 million deaths that occur each year.
2005年5月6日 |日内瓦-世界卫生组织(WHO)估计,每年发生的几乎半数的大约5700万死亡归咎于20种主要危险因素。
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 20 major risk factors are responsible for almost half of the approximately 57 million deaths that occur each year.
Conclusion: According the analysis results of disease pattern, the application of specific prevention and intervention measures for the risk factors may be raise the health level of medical workers.
A lot of patients with mental health problems also have lots of risk factors for heart disease: They tend to be quite heavy smokers and they don't exercise.
Many of these diseases are associated with risk factors that can be viewed in connection with the patient's individual health behavior.
Conclusion: the comprehensive intervention based on health education can significantly improve the awareness of behavior risk factors in life-style disease among the community residents.
Objective to understand the hazardous effects of occupational risk factors on the health of the workers in an artificial gem plant.
Conclusion Chronic non-infectious diseases related behavior life style were the main risk factors influenced the health of the staff.
Coexisting with other organic diseases, life events, current poor health condition, bad marriage condition and middle-aged people may be the risk factors of depression and anxiety.
Objective to analyse cardiovascular health status and risk factors of middle-old aged population in Nanning city.
Conclusion the risk factors especially dust exposure affect the health and lifespan of the iron mine workers.
Instead of recognizing their genes may help them identify risk factors, they just presume that their genes make their health problems inevitable and they make no attempts to remedy the situation.
To study the epidemiological characteristics of health risk behaviors among college students and the influential factors.
Objective to control and reduce intensity of occupational risk factors and protect workers health through determining and assessing occupational risk factors for the construction project.
Objective to control and reduce intensity of occupational risk factors and protect workers health through determining and assessing occupational risk factors for the construction project.