Despite the caves' perches, high above the river valley, the treasures inside are at risk from looters and souvenir collectors, as well as erosion, earthquakes, and infrequent but torrential rains.
In each case, the glacier surged as much as two kilometers down the valley and blocked the Abdukagor River with ice DAMS as much as 100 meters high.
These river valley areas, which are seasonally flooded, or have high water tables for a large part of the year, are an important dry season farmland.
As soon as broad river valley and high arch DAMS of 300 meters high concerned, the situation will be worse.
River Valley is a tropical, subtropical, high mountain with a cold, cold, vulgar "one mountain at Four Seasons, different weather within 10 km".
River Valley is a tropical, subtropical, high mountain with a cold, cold, vulgar "one mountain at Four Seasons, different weather within 10 km".