The characteristic of rock strata movement in mining process of a mine in Chongqing is analyzed by fractal regressive method, and the forecasting of the movement is considered.
During overlying rock strata being fractured, the surface gas drainage boreholes may be damaged due to ground movement.
The laws on the rock strata and surface movement that have known is basically based on the rock strength, not considering exist and the effect on the subsidence laws of the fissure and the weak face.
In view of random movement and deformation of rock strata, also considering the interaction of ground-foundation-building, a building in mining area is analyzed by using this method.
The existence of a shear slip zone is proved, and the overlying strata are divided into different zones according to the rules of strata movement and characteristics of rock failure.
In the local or global movement of rock mass under mining, overlying strata play a key role. The overlying strata movement is a complicated space-time process and has time-dependent feature.
In the local or global movement of rock mass under mining, overlying strata play a key role. The overlying strata movement is a complicated space-time process and has time-dependent feature.