This paper designs a RSA crypto-coprocessor based on the research of RSA cryptographic algorithm.
The cryptographic hash is calculated using the SHA-256 algorithm and the digital signature is generated using the RSA algorithm.
加密散列是使用SHA- 256算法来计算的,数字签名是使用rsa算法来生成的。
Based on RSA algorithm of unsymmetrical cryptographic system and MD5 message-digest algorithm, the paper presents a digital signature scheme based on IC card.
在基于非对称加密系统中的RSA算法和MD 5报文摘要算法上,提出了一种基于IC卡的数字签名方案。
Based on RSA algorithm of unsymmetrical cryptographic system and MD5message-digest algorithm, the paper presents an application scheme of digital signature.
文章基于非对称加密系统中的RSA算法和MD 5报文摘要算法,提出了一种数字签名的实现方案。
Based on RSA algorithm of unsymmetrical cryptographic system and MD5message-digest algorithm, the paper presents an application scheme of digital signature.
文章基于非对称加密系统中的RSA算法和MD 5报文摘要算法,提出了一种数字签名的实现方案。