The first principle is that uses science and not the rule of the thumb old rules.
This is the best time to go out and spoil yourself as long as you are following the rule of the thumb: Don't spend what you can't afford to lose.
The length of time a person can wear a heel depends on the individual - a good rule of thumb is not to wear any shoe for more than an hour after your feet start to hurt.
The rule-of-thumb was that if you captured the marketplace first, or invented a new marketplace, it was almost impossible to lose your leadership position.
The investment bank has come up with an interesting rule of thumb on recessions.
If we really want to play the "Rule of Thumb", I have two recommendations to address your problem: scaling the system and tuning the queue of components.
It takes a bit of trial and error to get the optimal number of threads, but a good rule of thumb is 1 thread for every 100 concurrent sessions.
As a rule of thumb, a careful cull of the 10% of lowest performers can make a firm leaner by removing fat without damaging muscle.
作为一个经验法则,仔细挑选出低效率的的10 %坚定进行的精简,消除多余脂肪而不损坏肌肉组织。
The general rule of thumb is to always create a backup before beginning.
One rule of thumb: don't have more advisers than the number of people on your management team.
Padding of 20 to 25 pixels in the wrapper and content area is becoming a rule of thumb, and even more padding is often considered acceptable.
Mr King says it is all down to "rules of thumb" concerning the likely level of inflation. "it is easier to control inflation if the public has the same rule of thumb as the central bank."
As a system administrator, this isn't the easiest thing to do. A good rule of thumb is to look at the directory owner or group.
Hence, as a rule of thumb, you may consider setting the number of page cleaners equal to the number of CPUs on the database server.
The rule of thirds is a compositional rule of thumb in visual arts such as painting, photography and design.
This is the basic rule of thumb in business (" 80% of your sales comes from 20% of your clients "), but can also be applied to design and usability.
The rule of thumb for improving in anylanguage is simple practice.
The rule of thumb is that you should use the one method that best matches the collection type the application is waiting for, so that type conversions are avoided.
Many people follow the rule of thumb to save at least 10 percent of their income for retirement and another 10 percent for other goals, such as an emergency fund.
In the Problems table you will be able to see how many people have solved each problem. As a general rule of thumb the more people that have solved it, the easier it is.
Here's a quick rule of thumb: the higher the return, the higher the risk.
The designer can use these rule-of-thumb guides to help resolve the confusion.
The rule of thumb in matters like these is that a people's expectations rise in proportion to a country's successes.
A rule of thumb is that the syntax is similar to the syntax in C, which in turn is similar to the syntax used in everyday mathematics.
根据经验,语法与C中的语法相似,C 中的语法又与平常数学中使用的语法相似。
The Taylor rule, a popular rule of thumb, suggests it should be six percentage points below.
根据广为流行的经验法则- - -泰勒规则(Taylorrule),应该再低6个百分点。
Indeed, many economists expect Japan's economy to shrink again in the three months to September, which on the rule of thumb of two consecutive quarters of decline, would imply a recession.
Indeed, many economists expect Japan's economy to shrink again in the three months to September, which on the rule of thumb of two consecutive quarters of decline, would imply a recession.