Specify Notes.jar as a required runtime library.
指定Notes . jar为必需的运行时库。
First, an XPath is passed to the runtime library as a string.
You will do well to statically link your runtime library.
The client and server stubs communicate using the RPC runtime library.
The runtime library must parse and evaluate an XPath expression at runtime.
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.
Make sure your runtime library is set, and you have the full path in your manifest file.
In constructing elements and attributes, a programmer passes strings to the runtime library.
One of the most common complaints about Visual Basic is its dependence on a runtime library.
The release information includes runtime library, run path, release, product ID and product option.
The RPC runtime library provides a standard set of runtime routines to support the RPC applications.
A new Eclipse plugin providing a Tuscany runtime Library and Tuscany launcher in Eclipse environment.
During the server RPC application initialization, it registers the interface with RPC runtime library.
The library -lmwmclmcrrt is used to specify the name of the MATLAB runtime library (libmwmclmcrrt.so).
库-lmwmclmcrrt用于指定MATLAB运行库的名称(libmwmclmcrrt . so)。
war; though on UNIX systems, the runtime library location is /var/lib/jenkins instead of /var/lib/hudson.
Stub files act as an interface between the application and the RPC runtime library during a remote procedure call.
A runtime library has no opportunity to analyze a program and structure the query evaluations in an optimal manner.
The linker's ability to build a table of safe exception handlers depends on the application using the C runtime library.
The actual replacement classes are included in the runtime library so that they're available when you execute the modified code.
The client object files along with the client stub file is linked with the RPC runtime library to generate the client executable.
With dynamic linking, you can update just one C runtime library, and correct the internationalization of all seventy-nine applications.
有了动态链接,您就可以只更新一个C运行时库,然后修正所有 79 个应用程序的共同问题。
A compiler processes these definitions and generates a runtime library that implements associative containers for each type of object.
The server RPC runtime library receives this incoming RPC call, passes it to the server stub which converts it to the format that server understands for execution.
To Invoke an Application-Supplied Algorithm The C runtime library function qsort sorts an array of objects, but you must supply the function that compares objects.
调用应用程序提供的算法:C运行时库函数qsort 排序对象数组,但你必须提供比较函数。
Secondly, including an embedded runtime library allows us to obviously allow the user to skip the step of having to install the groovy runtime before they can do anything.
In this sample, we called QnninRtvDominoServerAttr API with "DATR0100" format name and extracted the server's subsystem name, runtime library, server version and server status.
在该示例中,我们以“DATR 0100”格式调用了QnninRtvDominoServerAttrAPI,并提取了服务器的子系统名称、运行时库、服务器版本和服务器状态。
The system plays a crucial role in the client part of OSCAR, an object relational database management system. It includes two components: preprocess module and ESQL runtime library.
With this information, the RPC runtime library contacts the local endpoint map database on the server system to know the endpoint on which the server process is listening for incoming RPCs.
This is because they reside within the C runtime library (libc.so), which was not (in this case) compiled with -pg and, hence, no profiling is gathered for any functions within this library.
这是因为这些函数都是在C运行时库(libc.so)中的,(在本例中)它们都没有使用 -pg进行编译,因此就没有对这个库中的函数收集剖析信息。
This is because they reside within the C runtime library (libc.so), which was not (in this case) compiled with -pg and, hence, no profiling is gathered for any functions within this library.
这是因为这些函数都是在C运行时库(libc.so)中的,(在本例中)它们都没有使用 -pg进行编译,因此就没有对这个库中的函数收集剖析信息。