Finally, based on the data of tests, the formulas of irregular wave runup are presented.
It's the same mentality seen in the runup to the Olympic Games and after the Sichuan earthquake.
The runup in business school applications during the recession has created a windfall for essay writers.
The promise came in the runup to the 16th International AIDS Conference, opening in the Canadian city of Toronto on Sunday.
If latent defects exist in the rotor machinery system, rotor vibration signals in the whole runup process can present abnormal phenomenon.
Using high Speed camera and film analyser, we got the technical data of elite broad jumper Chen Zunrong's last phase of runup and takeoff.
Its top elevated level must exceed the highest water level downstream, be higher than the wave runup along the slope, and be no less than 0.5 meters.
It was said that they wanted to avoid taking attention away from the Queen and Prince of Wales in the runup to the Queen's diamond jubilee next summer.
This spending increase was largely fueled by the runup in house prices, which allowed home-owning Americans to borrow against the cost of their homes.
"With banking rumours surfacing, it feels like the runup to Lehman's collapse, where banks don't trust each other, " said Commerzbank strategist Christoph Rieger.
The steam supply to the initial runup was taken from steam produced from energy conversion from mechnical to thermal while the reactor coolant pump was operating.
Barack Obama has not had much to celebrate in the runup to his 50th birthday, although he must wish his us poll ratings, currently 43% approval, outscored his years.
For example, Anderson says Brazil, with lots of spare farmland, is a big beneficiary of the runup in prices of food commodities such as wheat, coffee, and soybeans.
She said it was striking that the public were even more concerned about climate change than in the runup to the landmark Copenhagen summit on climate change in late 2009.
Moreover, because of the high utilization ration of runup velocity, the share of vertical velocity of takeoff in the initial jumping velocity is also smaller than Powel.
The country's consumer power has been particularly evident in the runup to the start of the lunar New Year - a peak of shopping similar to the pre-Christmas splurge in the UK and US.
The country's consumer power has been particularly evident in the runup to the start of the lunar New Year - a peak of shopping similar to the pre-Christmas splurge in the UK and US.