In the movie "You've Got Mail," Tom Hanks played the aggressive big-box retailer Joe Fox driving the little bookshop owner played by Meg Ryan out of business.
Unlike other Meg Ryan chick vehicles (the icky treacle "Sleepless in Seattle" and "You've Got Mail"), this one retained a certain spirit.
She loves acting and hopes to be as famous as Meg Ryan, one day.
Sandra Bullock, the cutest woman to hit Hollywood since Meg Ryan, has all the necessary elements needed to have a career filled with success and abundance.
Chicago journalist (Meg Ryan) decides a Seattle widower (Tom Hanks) is her destiny after hearing him mourn his dear departed wife on a late-night radio show.
In 1998, Nicolas Cage and actress Meg Ryan co-produced romance "City of angels" and a much-told story short, affectionate image of deeply rooted among the angels.
Meg Ryan has a so sweet smile, perfect face and slim body, and so wonderful skill to act, and I thought that's why Tom Hanks make her as a long partner.
Meg Ryan has a so sweet smile, perfect face and slim body, and so wonderful skill to act, and I thought that's why Tom Hanks make her as a long partner.