The undisturbed soil samples, including clay, silty clay, silt, sand, muck and mucky soil, come from about ten different legions in China.
For example, if one portion of pipe is in heavy clay soil and another is in well-aerated sandy soil, the portion in the clay will corrode with respect to the portion in the sand.
Green sand casting casting clay weight from a few kilograms until decades kilograms, machine tool lathe bed and clay dry type of casting production can be weighed dozens of tons.
The finer layers generally consist of carbonaceous clay, mild clay and silty sand, showing characteristics of lacustrine sedimentation.
In this dissertation, on the basis of the test of structured soft clay, the consolidation behavior of sand-wall ground considering the structure character of soft clay is studied.
Nanjing silty clay with fine sand interbed is a sediment deposited alternately by silty clay and fine sand, appearing to be a "thousand layers cake";
This technology is applicable to industrial and civil construction clay, silty clay and containing a small amount of sand, stone clay, and low groundwater levels Artificial hole pile works.
The main lithology is clay, sub-clay, fine sand, fine porosity, the mineral components of rich fluoride provides an abundance of matter resources.
The main results are as follows: the sediment types of the sampling stations mainly belong to silt-clay (ty) and sand-silt-clay (STY) in the Southern Yellow Sea.
We also discover the Lower Quaternary limit locates in M/G boundary or the interface between the grey-green clay-silty sand layer and brown-red silty clay sand layer.
The limestone–and–clay and sand-and-clay soil over a hardpan and iron–dross subsoil allows excellent draining.
The limestone–and–clay and sand-and-clay soil over a hardpan and iron–dross subsoil allows excellent draining.