According to Dean Noble, director of marketing at Santa Barbara Zoo in California, this black-bodied bird is the master of post-coitus care.
For every ship that passes through the Santa Barbara Channel at or below the reduced speed of 12knots, the company that owns the ship will be paid $2,500.
A 2012 study from the University of California, Santa Barbara, found that roughly 40% of the time we are talking, we're disclosing subjective information about our experience.
UC Santa Barbara and University of Utah later join.
Riding a bicycle in Santa Barbara, California, 1933.
It is the perfect example of Santa Barbara indoor and outdoor living.
Santa Barbara – Beautiful seaside resort town with picturesque scenery.
I had a great time on the West coast recently with stops in Santa Barbara and Palo Alto.
Architects such as Roy Prince of Santa Barbara, California, specialize in "healthy houses."
Travelers can spend time at the beach, or venture out to Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and more.
The vibrant city of Los Angeles and the beach community of Santa Barbara are just a short drive away.
After Jordan's camp in Santa Barbara, Nike took me to Portland to relax. They let Liu Wei come with me.
Working in Santa Barbara, California, he was put in charge of online advertising for AdSense and AdWords.
It doesn't end there. A plan, previously rejected, to drill for oil off the coast near Santa Barbara will be revived.
Eucalyptus was developed at the University of California, Santa Barbara, for the purpose of cloud computing research.
Eucalyptus是加利福尼亚大学(Santa Barbara)为进行云计算研究而开发的。
But much of the local economy is recession-proof. As well as the university, Santa Barbara has a large community college.
还有就是大学,Santa Barbara有一个很大的社区大学。
The last HBES meeting I attended was at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 1995, and it was sparsely attended.
Santa Barbara was a good place to end the California campaign, a once solidly Republican area that had been trending our way.
Lying is a part of our everyday lives, according to Bella DePaulo, a researcher at the University of California - Santa Barbara.
A 2006 paper in Nature by Bradley Cardinale of the University of California, Santa Barbara and his colleagues supports these findings.
加利福利亚圣芭芭拉大学的Bradley Cardinale及其同事的一篇刊登于2006年自然杂志的论文支持了上述发现。
Oliver Chadwick from the University of California, Santa Barbara, says that Hawaii can also thank immigrant dust for its lush forests.
来自加利福利亚santa Barbara分校的OliverChadwick说夏威夷可能同样要感谢这些飘来的尘土养育了那里的茂密森林。
The other day I performed a search for an Imax theater in Santa Barbara, and it told me that the best option was a theater in San Diego.
That is beginning to change he says, but he still puts most of the money from his own practice in Santa Barbara, California, into the program.
March 1, The University of California, Santa Barbara began a Monday ritual of removing beef from all of its cafeterias and all meat from one cafeteria.
Two women recounted the story of their first lie to Bella DePaulo, a psychologist at the University of California at Santa Barbara who studies deception.
Another school of psychologists, which includes the Santa Barbara researchers, theorizes that both networks are working on agendas beyond the immediate task.
But Gerardo Aldana, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, says the data supporting the widely-adopted conversion factor may be invalid.
But Gerardo Aldana, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, says the data supporting the widely-adopted conversion factor may be invalid.