The next step will be to import SAP BW metadata.
下一步是导入SAP BW元数据。
A window opens showing all SAP BW data sources available.
打开显示所有SAP BW数据源可用的窗口。
SAP BW data sources can still leverage remote processing.
SAP BW数据源仍然可以利用远程处理。
SAP BW Specific Configuration Files within IBM Cognos 10.
在IBMCognos10中的SAP BW特定配置文件。
Import metadata from SAP BW queries rather than selecting the cube.
从SAP BW查询导入元数据而不是选择立方体。
Select the SAP BW data source containing the data required, and click ‘OK’.
选择包含所需数据的SAP BW数据源,然后单击 OK。
Choose to import any languages that are supported within your SAP BW environment.
选择导入SAP BW环境中支持的任何语言。
A new package is ready to be used within IBM Cognos 10 so users may access data from SAP BW.
新包正准备用于IBMCognos10中,因为用户可从SAP BW访问数据。
Efficiency of SAP BW with key BI-related objects like MDC tables for even faster performance.
SAP BW的高效性通过关键的BI有关对象,如mdc表,以获得更快的性能。
Note the display name chosen should be supported and available within your SAP BW data source.
请注意在SAP BW数据源中已选择的显示名称应受到支持并可用。
Those two entries will show most of the pertinent calls made to SAP BW which should be of concern.
这两个项将显示大多数制定SAP BW的有关调用,这应该引起关注。
Step by Step Example of Configuring the SAP BW Connectivity for use within IBM Cognos 10 (64 bit only)
配置到SAP BW(仅 64位)的连接
Performance of analysis capabilities can be improved substantially with DQM when accessing SAP BW data.
在访问SAP BW数据时使用DQM可大大提高分析功能的性能。
The potential is calculated by multiplying the members received from each dimension requested from SAP BW.
通过乘以SAP BW要求的每个维度所收到的成员来计算潜在的大小。
After the restart, this change will affect all queries against any SAP BW data source through IBM Cognos 10.
重启之后,该更改会影响通过IBMCognos 10对任何SAP BW数据源进行的所有查询。
Consider updating the default Settings to limit how many SAP BW queries or cubes a user can import for metadata.
考虑更新默认设置以便限制用户可为元数据导入多少SAP BW查询或立方体。
This behavior can happen when Cognos environment does not have 'signon' created for SAP BW data source connections.
如果Cognos环境没有为SAP BW数据源连接创建‘signon’,就会出现这种行为。
To enable this feature, the Cognos Administrator must update the SAP BW connection properties to ‘allow personal packages’.
要实现此功能,CognosAdministrator必须将SAP BW连接属性更新为 allowpersonal packages。
In the next version of the SAP BW product, the Fact tables will use a multidimensional clustering (MDC) table to store data.
在下一个版本的SAP BW产品中,fact表将使用多维集群(multidimensional clustering,MDC)表来存储数据。
This approach will leverage the processing power of the SAP BW server, and push filtering of the data to the SAP BW data source.
此方法将利用SAP BW服务器的处理能力,并将筛选数据推入SAP BW数据源。
This setting can be increased by opening (SAP bw) or (Essbase) and increasing the following setting.
可以通过打开bw . properties (SAP bw)或eb . properties (Essbase)和增加以下设置来增加该设置。
Do this by choosing the option to 'Edit the SAP BW variables for the package after closing this dialog', and then click 'Close'.
通过选择EdittheSAP BW variablesfor thepackageafterclosingthisdialog选项进行此操作,然后单击Close。
Use SAP BW queries with variables and filters to restrict the data set from BW to help limit the size of data passed from SAP BW.
与变量和筛选器一起使用SAP BW查询以便限制来自BW的数据集,这有助于限制从SAP BW传递的数据的大小。
With SSPW, you have the option to select at the cube or SAP BW query level, and definitions of any objects under those levels will be imported.
使用SSPW,您可以在数据集或SAP BW查询级上选择选项,且将会导入这些级别下的任何对象定义。
Hence the guidelines mentioned in this document can be considered an addendum, or delta practices, and are specific to IBM Cognos 10 with SAP BW.
因此,本文档提及的操作指南可被看作是一个附录或delta实践,且专门针对于带有SAP BW的IBMCognos10。
Bring dimension levels into the report as opposed to display attributes to improve the initial response from SAP BW when the data is not cached with DQM.
将维度级带入相对于显示属性的报告,以便在不使用DQM缓存数据时提高来自SAP BW的初步响应。
The following section discusses any IBM Cognos 10 configuration Settings within the file which are available when using SAP bw as a data source.
下面部分讨论bw . properties文件内的任何IBMCognos10配置设置,在将SAP bw用作数据源时予以提供。
Ensure the SAP BW data source that was created is selected, click Next, and then locate and select the desired reporting objects (InfoQuery, InfoCube, etc) for import.
确保选中创建的SAP BW数据源,单击Next,然后找到并选择所需的报表对象(InfoQuery、InfoCube等)导入。
In the name box, type an appropriate name for the package, in this case SAP BW - GO Sales will be used, click Next, and then select the objects to include in the package.
在Name框中,为程序包输入一个适当的名称,在本例中使用SAP BW-GOSales,单击Next,然后选择要包含在程序包中的对象。
This provides users the ability to leverage SAP BW objects not otherwise available from the cube, such as calculated and restricted key figures, query structures, filters, and variables.
这将提供给用户不从立方体利用SAP BW的能力,如计算并限制关键数字、查询结构、筛选器和变量。