Waving can mean welcome and farewell, whereas scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss.
I could see you scratching your head.
All this might have you scratching your head.
If you're scratching your head right now, you're not alone.
Thus, you might be scratching your head and trying to figure out how to get the work done.
Now you've scratching your head, puzzling over how to combine all of these aspects into one job.
So you're left scratching your head because you have a lot to say but you don't know how to say it.
Nothing prevents you from writing some perfectly hideous code and then scratching your head over how you are going to test it.
So don't ignore these details or speed through them; when your handy-dandy toolkit creates an error, you won't be stuck scratching your head and sending an email to support.
If you find yourself scratching your head trying to recall a name, run apropos (or the equivalent man -k). For example, if you're hunting for a calculator, simply type apropos calculator.
如果您正在努力回想一个命令名,那么试试apropos(或等效的man -k)。
It wasn't so long ago that trying to get Linux onto your system hard disk often comprised hours of head-scratching, system resets, and searching the Internet for the right drivers.
It wasn't so long ago that trying to get Linux onto your system hard disk often comprised hours of head-scratching, system resets, and searching the Internet for the right drivers.