Hold the phone up, look through it, and you'll see an overlay of which bus route you are on or where the nearest subway stop is.
But if you look through your plate, and actually especially if you kind of look off to the side, hopefully you'll be able to see the individual lines of the spectrum.
Look at the open source projects at SourceForge.net and the various commercial tools available through IBM (see Resources for more information).
He points out that if even a fairly close civilization, say 1, 000 light years away, were to look through a telescope and find Earth, it would see the planet 1, 000 years in our past.
With Whrrl, a user can "look through the eyes of friends and see the places they find compelling."
This technique helps me to look at my life through the eyes of a different person and it helps me to see what habits or what attitude I should develop in order to cope with this situation.
As you look through them here, see if you can guess what they are before you read the captions.
The approach that you use to find a unique code is to look through the current spreadsheet data and see if any of the other project codes match a new candidate.
I come here, I see these children and what they are going through and look at it in a completely different light.
But looking through Windows at dusk in Paris you can see that people there actually care what paintings look like.
From what we have done here, though, you can see that tied variables are very useful, and I encourage you to look through the many CPAN modules that deal with tied variables.
You could look through 7, 000 pages of Pentagon Papers and not see a good reason for us being (in Vietnam).
While it's easy to see matter bending light - just look through a prism - it's rare to find light bending matter.
After you have followed step one, look through what you wrote and see what the hidden fear behind each item is.
"She knew we were going to have that reaction and just to see that look of satisfaction on her face midway through - it was one of my favourite moments," Cowell said.
As you can see, just about any goal can be turned into habits if you think it through. Let's look more into how to do that.
As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else.
What humans see lighted by a photographer's bright strobe may look altogether different in natural light through the eyes of reef creatures.
If you look at personal lives through that lens, you'll see the same stunning and sobering pattern: people allocating fewer and fewer resources to the things they would have once said mattered most.
When we look back through history, we can see that a lot of different stories all turn out to be stories about information.
One school of thought proposes that there is more than mere chance in how a language's words emerge, and that if we look closely we see culture peeping through.
Look through the peephole to see who it is berore you open thedoor.
Look through a list of great movies, books, and games, and you'll see that most of them don't have original ideas at their heart -what makes them great is how those ideas were developed and presented.
However, through the glass door of the store I could see people walking by and they would look up over the door of the store and shiver and move away from the door.
However, through the glass door of the store I could see people walking by and they would look up over the door of the store and shiver and move away from the door.