There is a contrast between seismic design code of different countries because of economic condition and seismic fortification.
A seismic design procedure for energy dissipation systems is proposed by using the capacity spectrum method in combination with Chinese seismic design code.
In the paper, specification and basis of sandy soils Liquefaction in the revised seismic Design Code for Industrial and Civil Buildings are mainly described.
According to the seismic design code about Bridges and the actual condition, the design response spectrum and the design time history seismic wave are choiced.
This paper analyses the method of site classification in current "Seismic design code for buildings" (GBJ11-89), and points out some deficiencies of this method.
This paper analyses and discusses some problems in the building seismic design code on design of the structure related to RC wall to major earthquake, and some suggestions are put forward.
Meanwhile, the forced mode uncoupling method widely used in seismic design code also has good approximation, even though the relatively simple example structure is strongly non-proportional.
Gived some Suggestions to the improved degree of moment augment factor of column in Code for Seismic Design of Buildings, in order to reduce the probability of column hinge.
The "two stage"seismic check is done through the current code of seismic design.
The "two stage" seismic check is done according to the current code of seismic design.
The draft of 《Code for Seismic Design of Buildings》(GBJ11—89)has been worked out for soliciting comments.
《建筑抗震设计规范》(GBJ11— 89)已完成修订的征求意见稿。
The seismic zoning map is the basic information for compiling code for seismic design of any kind of structures.
It also gives the reasonable construction method of constructional column which conforms to the "Code of seismic design of building".
In Code for seismic design of buildings of China, three seismic fortification levels and two-stage design methods are applied.
The design approach in new published criteria for seismic design of bridge is comparative in some aspect with abroad code, but more improvement is necessary.
By summarizing domestic actual anti-seismic design method, steel of high-performance for anti-seismic is needed to achieve beam plastic hinge collapse mechanism which is required in the code.
There are some differences at the seismic design levels of offshore oil platform between Chinese and American code.
There are some differences at the seismic design levels of offshore oil platform between Chinese and American code.