The rumours were eagerly seized upon by the local press.
Then a great wave seized upon him.
That person's features were seized upon by his mind.
They seized upon this remark and regarded it as a promise.
Any excuse to celebrate an anniversary is seized upon and milked for all it is worth.
Any excuse to celebrate an anniversary is seized upon and milked for all it is worth. Why?
Times of crisis create opportunities which, if seized upon, will see the Empire re-forged and re-vitalised.
My mind suddenly seized upon the notion that this was a Saturday the busiest day on the bridge and here we sat.
Behind the black portent of the new atomic age lies a hope which, seized upon with faith, can work our salvation.
The plateau in temperatures has been seized upon by skeptics as evidence that the threat of global warming is overblown.
Martin Savidge there. So Atlanta leaders say they have seized upon one strategy that's used by snow-challenged cities in the north.
The fact that one of the Paris attackerswas carrying a Syrian passport was seized upon by those opposed to accepting asylum seekers.
One of those forlorn impulses which often grow out of a fixed sense of defeat, the last sprouting of a baffled and uprooted growth of ideas, seized upon her.
The most trifling of essayists and most unmemorable of poetasters are seized upon to serve as subjects for doctoral dissertations, and be published subsequently .
However, the concession was seized upon by detractors of the NATO-led (but Anglo-French inspired) campaign as a belated attempt to find a way out of the stalemate.
The material, which mentions adjustments todata, has been seized upon by global warming doubters as evidence of aconspiracy to promote the idea of human-driven climate change.
There was a lack of scrupulous checking somewhere along that line, and an attacker seized upon this and used it as a route to inject some very nasty malware onto our site.
Not normally superstitious, Chloe and I seized upon a host of details, however trivial, as confirmation of what intuitively we already felt: that we had been destined for one another.
Some of these churches, run by unscrupulous preachers and self-appointed prophets, have seized upon the fears of the population and are offering exorcism services at exorbitant costs.
That hopeful thought, which found its way into the original script of Peter Jackson's recent re-make of “King Kong”, might be seized upon by today's beleaguered entertainment industry.
They will be seized upon by Canada's Bombardier, the closest competitor to the big two, whose CSeries jet is due to have its maiden flight in 2012 and enter commercial service in 2013.
They took advantage of their opportunity, seized their opportunity and imposed their own form upon it.
About a dozen have been set upon in the past month alone, including a Ukrainian freighter packed with tanks, antiaircraft guns and other heavy weaponry, which was brazenly seized in September.
Opportunity must be the seized and acted upon in order to have value.
Opportunity must be the seized and acted upon in order to have value.