In 1968, the Congress of the United States passed the Jury Selection and Service Act, ushering in a new era of democratic reforms for the jury.
One of the most troubling of these problems is the impact of race on jury selection.
Lawyers for Michael Jackson revealed a celebrity-packed list of 370 potential witnesses in the child molesting case against him on Monday, as jury selection began in earnest in a small courtroom here.
Jury selection is underway in the trial of former White House aide Lewis Libby.
Jury selection is underway in Florida in the trial of George Zimmerman.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys chose the panel of six jurors after almost two weeks of jury selection.
We should improve the people jury system through clearing selection of the jurors, the scope of the cases, the rights and duties of the jurors, and establishment of the expert jury system.
In the part of the design, the jury selection, player performance, performance became vulgar, departuring from the basic orientation of positive and healthy and damaging the image of television.
At this stage , the selection of jurors always focused on the team of experts, or highly educated class, but the common people have no many opportunities to participate in the jury.
Chapter III should be natural and the Reality of conflict, analyzed and discussed the people's jury selection, training, legal empowerment and supervision of several elements.
There are local variations in the details of jury selection but the basic pattern is the same.
There are local variations in the details of jury selection but the basic pattern is the same.