The author has made research on the effect of basic technology function of increasing practice hours of "the sense of ball" in football teaching.
The great people managers, those that seem to have a pulse on their people, may have an innate sense of what's going on in the world or a Magic 8-Ball that tells them the answers.
You could catch a ball, hum a tune, stop at a red light - act exactly like a person but without any sense of what it is like to be alive.
"You can have the sense of touch like poking a rubber ball or stretching a sticky rice cake" when manipulating images, he said.
On design selection, exclusive design of blue bricks, through water, ball mill, modeling of complex process, the formation of historical traces and conforms to the modern aesthetic sense.
James Ball at The Guardian says the Ebola outbreak in Africa is tragic, but it is important to keep a sense of proportion.
In his mind, he ran his right knee to the ball, while feeling a complete sense of balance and control.
For a good number of people, games embody a sense of accomplishment as you "move the ball forward" and achieve results.
You want to give fans a sense of anticipation for the upcoming season, a feeling that they can't wait for the first ball to be kicked.
Let's fresh up your sense of taste in May. Fried snow beef with pitaya, fried shrimp ball with lychee, etc.
Let's fresh up your sense of taste in May. Fried snow beef with pitaya, fried shrimp ball with lychee, etc.