PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language that you can use to create dynamic Web sites and applications.
It's commonly used as a server-side scripting language to develop Web-based applications fairly quickly and with good results.
PHP is primarily a server-side scripting language that enables you to embed application logic within HTML pages, or create entire HTML pages from PHP functions.
PHP 基本上是一种服务器端脚本编制语言,它允许您将应用程序逻辑嵌入HTML页面,或者用 PHP 函数创建整个 HTML 页面。
PHP: Hypertext Processor (PHP) is a powerful and increasingly popular server-side scripting language for creating Web content. Portability is one of the primary reasons for PHP's popularity
PHP:超文本处理器(PHP:Hypertext Processor),是一种创建Web内容的功能强大且越来越受欢迎的服务器端脚本语言。
PHP is a scripting language that produces dynamic, server-side content.
You can do this with any server technology with any scripting language on the server side.
You can do this with any server technology with any scripting language on the server side.