Set the unselected font color as #293D6B using the color picker.
通过颜色选择器将未选中的字体颜色设置为 #293D6B。
Set default font, color, border, and opacity properties on the component.
In the Properties dialog, you can set preferences for the design page, including setting the record background color and the font.
The font and color attributes of the p element are used to set the font, font size and color of the text respectively.
Now the header is set to a height of 200 pixels, features text that is very large (about 250% of the base font size) and displays a bright yellow color.
First up, add a background color, perhaps a background image, set default font color, style, and alignment, and do anything else you'd normally do with CSS.
Set the font and color in certain editors, dialog boxes, tools Windows, and other user interface (UI) elements.
Right click on desktop -> Personalize -> Windows Color -> Advanced Appearance settings…-> then click on active window and set size of Active Title Bar to 19 and size of font to 8.
I used a bold font style with the text color set to #41a993. Don't forget to change the Fill opacity in the layers palette to 50%, this is done to get the initial transparency to the text.
I used a bold font style with the text color set to #41a993. Don't forget to change the Fill opacity in the layers palette to 50%, this is done to get the initial transparency to the text.