The band is now setting out to conquer the world.
He has written a letter to The Times setting out his views.
He lost no time in setting out for London.
He would be setting out his plans for the party in a keynote speech.
Parry realised that if you were setting out to create memorable poems, the Odyssey and the Iliad were exactly the kind of poems you'd create.
When they came back to their former place, Heidi lost no time in setting out the dinner.
Later this year, we will publish a white paper setting out exactly how we will achieve this.
Nicola Sturgeon's speech last Tuesday setting out the Scottish government's legislative programme for the year ahead confirmed what was already pretty clear.
Setting out to chart the direction technological progress will take in the 21st century, Mr Kaku is aware that history is replete with unfulfilled prophecies.
Why do we bother setting out argument logic book style?
You might ask what is the point of setting out arguments logic book style, has anyone got any idea?
That means setting out a clear course of action and recommending difficult decisions.
Before setting out, they embraced those who remained.
When setting out on this bicycle journey I never expected to ever consider myself pampered, but meeting these two left me feeling just that.
To do this, we need to think and feel as much as look when setting out to make photographs.
And now, just this month, we have a brand new guide setting out the steps to follow when developing a country-led platform for information and accountability.
And I don't know much about art or photography, either Given that, I approached the magazine like a casual reader rather than someone setting out to review it.
Our intention in setting out our design principles is to identify the decision points; the responsibility for those decisions lies with the architects.
I stopped at the straw hat stand and chatted with a lanky boy as he was setting out the hats.
Usually people spend a ton of time setting out sponsor levels, making a brochure and all that stuff about what a sponsor gets for their money.
"We just saw it as: 'Let's have fun with the funny women we know'," she explains over the phone. "we weren't setting out on a mission."
There is no policy setting out any limits for tourism.
The next day, just before setting out, the Spaniards discovered a problem with Emilio's bike, so I cycled off alone, having arranged to meet them again further down the Karakoram Highway.
The next day, just before setting out, the Spaniards discovered a problem with Emilio's bike, so I cycled off alone, having arranged to meet them again further down the Karakoram Highway.