This has led to a severe skills shortage, especially in the information technology, infrastructure, power, and water sectors.
Right now, Africa suffers from a severe shortage of electric power, and too many countries rely on oil as virtually their only source of revenue.
With severe electricity shortage in 2002-2005, the new formed-groups built power plants to obtain an advantageous position under the new competition.
伴随2002 ~ 2005年严重的电力短缺,各新组建的发电集团兴建电厂,力图在新的竞争格局下取得有利地位。
With severe electricity shortage in 2002-2005, the new formed-groups built power plants to obtain an advantageous position under the new competition.
伴随2002 ~ 2005年严重的电力短缺,各新组建的发电集团兴建电厂,力图在新的竞争格局下取得有利地位。