Up to 50 percent more efficient than other shaded pole motors.
The four-shaded pole asynchronous motor stator of the invention can improve motor efficiency and motor torque.
The paper presents a method of reversing the direction, controlling the speed and increasing the torque for the shaded pole induction motors.
Extremely cold regions similar to the one in Hermite crater were found at the bottoms of several permanently shaded craters at the lunar South Pole and were measured in the depths of winter night.
Complex structure of dual shaded-pole motor brings much difficult in complete quantitative analysis.
罩极圈 罩 极电动机由于结构复杂使得对其完整的定量分析变得十分困难。
Complex structure of dual shaded-pole motor brings much difficult in complete quantitative analysis.
罩极圈 罩 极电动机由于结构复杂使得对其完整的定量分析变得十分困难。