A decrease in the money supply, causing a sharp fall in prices.
Thus a sharp fall in prices would produce a raft of nonperforming loans and 'would have an outsized impact on Chinese Banks.
It also helps explain why America has suffered such a sharp fall in prices after the bust despite peaking lower than many other countries (see chart 4).
In the past three years, in this round of the sharp fall in prices, China has a history of the most amazing wealth and the rapid distribution of fission.
After all, the sharp fall in commodity prices over the past week, if sustained, will be good news for developed economies.
Thanks to the sharp fall in commodity prices, headline consumer prices seem to have peaked and the immediate inflation risk has abated, particularly in weak and financially stressed rich economies.
Bad weather - especially an unprecedented heat wave in the former Soviet Union, which led to a sharp fall in world wheat production - has also played a role in driving up food prices.
One problem for the emerging technology is cost, even in the aftermath of a sharp fall in solar panel prices, following a global glut of the main raw material, solar-grade silicon.
The potential for less leverage — or borrowed money — at play in the oil-futures market has already helped spark a sharp fall in oil prices, which have lost about 20% of their value this month.
After being squeezed last year by rising food and fuel prices, households will benefit from the sharp fall in inflation (which is likely to tip into deflation during part of this year).
Two months ago I wrote in my column that those expecting a sharp fall in property prices could well be disappointed.
Over inflated house, commercial and office real estate prices due to excessive leveraging and easy money, will likely faces sharp fall ahead, despite their drop in Y2008.
The fall in commodities prices, even if sharp recently, looks less scary when put in the context of a year-long rally.
The United States in the deepening financial crisis, is expected to lead to changing gold prices and a sharp fall in the uncertain situation, the severe shocks still can not avoid.
The United States in the deepening financial crisis, is expected to lead to changing gold prices and a sharp fall in the uncertain situation, the severe shocks still can not avoid.