The Shanghai Composite Index, which tracks the bigger of China's stock exchanges, soared 8.9 percent to 3, 571.03. The Shenzhen Composite Index rose 8.1 percent to 1, 038.19.
上证综指上涨8.9%至3571.03 .深证成指上涨8.1%至13038.19。
Thee Shanghai Composite Index has surged 30 per cent during the past two months, while that of the Shenzhen exchange has risen by 23 per cent.
上海股票市场综合指数在过去两个月的时间里升高了30%,同时深圳交易所的综合指数上升了23%。 。
The Empirical research result certificate the price-earnings ratio index time series of Shenzhen composite B-share index having the mean reversion characteristic.
Records show that the market and the trend of history and real-time, providing Shanghai Composite Index, Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index in the light of changes in the index.
Then we integrate the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock composite prices index and give some analysis. Through comparison, we find GARCH(1,1)-GED model is better than others.
Then we integrate the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock composite prices index and give some analysis. Through comparison, we find GARCH(1,1)-GED model is better than others.