We'll ship your order to the address we print on your cheques.
This information can be used many ways — to customize your browsing by sending you content based on your profile, or to charge and ship goods to you by using your credit card information and address.
This transaction looks up the ship-to address for the customer and prepares information that the EIS then communicates to the shipping department.
Now we must work together again to address the serious challenge provoked by the sinking of the South Korean ship.
For example, consider what the meaning of the element "address" is to a distribution department. This is likely to be the "ship to" address.
The craftsmen can make up your order and even arrange to ship it to your address back home.
We cannot ship to Post Office boxes; we must have a street address for delivery.
"Mulally's righted the ship in North America, but now he's really got to address the needs in the rest of the world, " he said.
For break bulk shipments, the name and address of the party who made the goods "ship ready" or the party who arranged for the goods to be made "ship ready" must be provided.
STEP 3: Ship the defective or malfunctioning part(s) and the Warranty Claim Form to us at the address on the Warranty Claim Form.
We need to ship 5 of the V2 In-wall units to Stanford over at the LiteOn facility in China. (address below).
Just ship to the address on it.
The Littoral Combat Ship is a key element of the Navy's plan to address asymmetric threats of the 21st century.
Please email me your complete mailing address and proper contact info, I have a plastic product we would like to have priced for production. I will then ship you a sample for your review. thank you.
Please email me your complete mailing address and proper contact info, I have a plastic product we would like to have priced for production. I will then ship you a sample for your review. thank you.