The belligerent talk was accompanied by Pyongyang's test-firing of two short-range missiles, bringing to five the number launched since its nuclear test on Monday.
Ukrainian officials denied the U. S. missile claim, saying they had launched only short-range missiles that couldn't reach the plane flying some 155 miles away.
Moscow responded to the conciliatory moves by signalling the cancellation of threats to deploy short-range missiles in its Kaliningrad exclave, which sits within the EU.
And guess what? The proposed interceptor in Poland would have little, if any, capability to counter the existing threat from Iran's short - and medium-range ballistic missiles.
The standard weapons carried by the Tornado F3 are up to four ASRAAM short-range air-to-air missiles on the wing pylons and four AMRAAM medium-range missiles mounted under the fuselage.
The peace issue is still very much relevant because just across the Taiwan Strait they have deployed more than 1,000 short-range and intermediate-range missiles targeting Taiwan.
The peace issue is still very much relevant because just across the Taiwan Strait they have deployed more than 1,000 short-range and intermediate-range missiles targeting Taiwan.