Before the crisis almost all leading central banks operated through the short-term (usually overnight) money-market rate.
The rate that big Banks charge each other for short-term money jumped to three times the level in June, and the cost of protecting against their default broke records.
Banks raise most of their money through short-term household deposits on which they pay an interest rate of just 0.7 percent. They lend at rates of 6 percent or more.
The lowest deposit rate set by the central bank ACTS as a floor for short-term interest rates in money markets and for borrowing rates generally.
Bonds feel "safer" because they promise a fixed rate of interest, but the problem is that bonds can actually lose money in the short term as well, particularly if you have a period of inflation.
Bonds feel "safer" because they promise a fixed rate of interest, but the problem is that bonds can actually lose money in the short term as well, particularly if you have a period of inflation.