But there is no evidence to show that the structure of eyes is changed by wearing glasses at a young age.
The ancient Nubians inhabited an area in which typhus occurs, yet surprisingly few of their skeletons show the usual evidence of this disease.
The ancient Nubians inhabited an area in which typhus occurred, yet surprisingly few of their skeletons show the usual evidence of this disease.
"Once you show the positive activation and impairment when the brain region is damaged you have good evidence that you have at least part of the circuit," he says.
"There is certainly enough evidence to show us that this is probably one of the most deadly conflicts in the world and certainly more than Afghanistan and Iraq," he noted.
There are credible reports that some were tortured-their lawyers produced pictures of horribly wounded backs and limbs-and the police have failed to show any evidence against them.
Show evidence of what an author has said.
Give evidence of your personal impact: show not only that you completed tasks but that you contributed to organizational goals.
Two northern European caves in particular show clear evidence of fire. But only relatively recently compared with when humans first showed up.
I wouldn't be at all dismissive of the wonderful things that animals can do, but show me the hard data: show me the evidence.
Some show signs of heavy use—evidence, perhaps, that he was crippled in life.
Now, she argues, the burden of evidence[2] has shifted and it is up to the proponents of land deals to show that they work.
Fossilized bones that show evidence of human ancestor stone tool use and meat-eating push the earliest dates for those activities from about 2.5 million to 3.4 million years ago.
But new evidence may show that the phone of a murdered schoolgirl, Millie Dowler, was hacked while she was declared missing in two thousand two.
但新的证据显示,被谋杀女学生米莉·道勒(MillieDowler) 2002年失踪期间,她的手机曾被侵入。
The evidence will show that Michael Jackson put his life in the hands of Conrad Murray. The evidence will show that misplaced trust had far too high a price to pay.
They used a new method of analyzing elements in the lunar sand samples to show strong evidence of water, dating back 3 billion years.
They're evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, time travelers or lost civilizations like Atlantis - or perhaps they're here to show us that some ancient peoples were far more advanced than we think.
There is clear evidence that the show was a dramatic portrayal of arguably fictional events.
He said: "There's plenty of scientific evidence to show that sleep starts at the beginning of the night when body temperature starts to drop."
Clinical experience and a growing supply of experimental evidence show that REBT is effective and efficient at reducing emotional pain.
Our review suggests that there is currently not a lot of strong evidence to show that they are helpful.
A team of scientists looked at historical evidence to show that as lighting has become more energy efficient, it has also become cheaper.
They show that a variety of processes were once at work on the surface of Vesta and provide extensive evidence for Vesta's planetary aspirations.
"There is enough evidence to show that, given the sophistication and military precision of the attack, it must have had the support of some official agencies in Pakistan," said Singh.
There is evidence to show that athletic contests took place in Ancient Egypt and in the ancient Minoan civilization on the island of Crete.
All of the participants had similar levels of education and fitness and didn't show any evidence of Alzheimer's disease.
She pulled Leonard's head away and held it still to show him the evidence of how she felt (she was crying now).
It's important to remember that some children may never show distress because they don't feel upset, while others may not give evidence of being upset for several weeks or even months.
Japanese official figures show little evidence of large net lending to foreigners.
Japanese official figures show little evidence of large net lending to foreigners.