Shunt capacitance may increase the settling time.
This is discussed in detail in the paragraphs on Shunt Capacitance Loading and Guarding.
As shown in Figure 2-35, the shunt capacitance (CSHUNT) must be charged to the test voltage by the current (IS).
如图2 - 35所示,并联电容(CSHUNT)必须由测试电流(IS)充电到测试电压。
Figure 2-7 demonstrates the effects of shunt capacitance loading on the input of a typical high impedance voltmeter.
图2 - 7说明分流电容对典型的高输入阻抗电压表输入端的影响。
In order to get the highest working efficiency of Class-E amplifier, it needs to get the exact values of shunt capacitance.
So it is not certain that the shunt capacitance compensator is completely protected by the arrester in the busbar. It is necessary t…
因此 ,母线上的避雷器不一定能完全保护并联补偿装置 ,应采取专门的措施来限制过电压。
While the primary advantage of guarding is a reduction in the effects of shunt resistance, another important aspect is the reduction in the effects of shunt capacitance.
The algorithm does not need fault type identification, and its accuracy is not affected by fault resistance, system impedance, pre-fault load current and shunt capacitance.
In order to minimize settling times when measuring high resistance values, keep shunt capacitance in the system to an absolute minimum by keeping connecting cables as short as possible.
In this paper, the performance of tuned IPC is compared with that of two basic projects of non tuned IPC, i. e., the non tuned IPC with shunt capacitance and that with shunt inductance.
Calculation methods of installation capacitance and group capacitance for shunt capacitor bank are proposed.
The effects of input capacitance on current measurements using a shunt type ammeter (Figure 2-49) are similar to those for voltage measurements.
使用分流型安培计(图2 -49)时,输入电容对电流测量的影响与电压测量时类似。
The high frequency matching network mainly used lumped element lowpass network, including the series capacitance, series inductance and shunt grounded capacitance.
The high frequency matching network mainly used lumped element lowpass network, including the series capacitance , series inductance and shunt grounded capacitance.
The high frequency matching network mainly used lumped element lowpass network, including the series capacitance , series inductance and shunt grounded capacitance.