Suggest adding solenoids on these valves, driven by the shutdown system.
The shutdown system call closes either one or both ends of the connection.
The function of reactor shutdown system can be simulated by the code to calculate the operating parameters after accidental shutdown.
The emergency shutdown system ESD in FCC unit revamp is introduced, ESD system composition, its function characteristics and control method are detailed described.
The failure rates of the alarming system, automatic shutdown system and fire fighting system began to work more efficiently than before, that is to say, getting lower than before.
Additionally, the temperature changes induced by a shutdown in the North Atlantic heat conveyor system are too small to explain the Younger Dryas.
The parallel and redundancy are implemented by using data communication method in emergency shutdown for enhancing the reliability of the system.
It is then used for configuring logical partitions, startup and shutdown functions for partitions, management of Ethernet and storage adapters, and basic system management functions.
Failover is the planned or unplanned shutdown of the primary system and includes the accompanying task of bringing a standby node online to take over the processing load.
For example, a phantom reboot or shutdown of a system should be investigated, and often the system logs are the only source of information.
They are aimed at either cleaning the water in the primary system, providing separate shutdown cooling functions, water chemistry, charging and volume control, makeup water.
When file systems are unmounted as part of a system shutdown, they are marked as CLEAN.
PCI hot plug is added in 2.6, which allows a PCI adapter to be added or removed from a running system without having to shutdown the system.
在2.6中增加了PCi热插拔特性,允许在运行着的系统中添加或者删除PC i适配器,而无需关闭系统。
You can control the services that are running on the system and whether they start automatically from the Bootup and Shutdown icon.
The usermode-helper API also supports Linux in an orderly system shutdown.
usermode - helperAPI还支持Linux按照顺序关闭系统。
Details on how to integrate WebSphere Application server into the system startup and shutdown processes and how to start and stop the server manually.
Once the database is active, it cannot be used by any other Cloudscape system until the database is shutdown.
This can also happen when the VM system is shutdown with the SHUTDOWN command, which is not an issue for a Linux swap device.
If for some reason the original account_policy.tdb file were to become corrupted, such as during an unclean shutdown of the system, you can restore the old file from its backup.
如果由于某种原因原始的account _ policy . tdb文件受到损坏,例如在系统不正常关机期间,您可以从其备份恢复旧的文件。
Imagine accidentally calling the killall command on a Solaris host to shutdown all Apache processes, only to find you've effectively shutdown the system!
In the event of a sudden system shutdown or panic, the MUI may have trouble starting when booting up because the MUI doesn't have the proper time to clean up leftover lock files when a system fails.
This file also contains some system-related log information, such as restart, shutdown, and date changes.
The full IIS has an on-demand worker process model and activation system and can bring up and shutdown worker processes on demand.
What if that shutdown wasn't some stray flicker related to Chase Bank, but the result of a solar storm or cyber-attack or some other momentous shock to the system.
This will force a system shutdown, whether a user is logged in or not.
Once the database is active, it cannot be used by an other Cloudscape system until the database is shutdown.
If Tomcat is shutdown while a Cloudscape database is active, it is equivalent to a system failure.
A system shutdown caused by a hardware or software malfunction.
The typical Component Cooling System is used during all phase of plant operation, including shutdown and post-accident.
Event startup is emitted by init when the system starts, with event shutdown emitted when the system is to be shut down.