Objective: To study the origin of Sichuan Yi ethnic group according to human leukocyte antigen(HLA)-B gene frequency.
The Han, Tibetan Yi, Qiang Lisu and other nationalities in Sichuan maintain different cultures and customs, which provide the inexhaustible source of folk songs and dances.
Zhaojue county of Sichuan Province is the largest county inhabited by the Yis throughout China, and also used to be the capital of the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture.
Tan Yi was born in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. She started to write poems in 2007. She teaches in the Fine Art Department, School of Art and Design, Yunnan University.
Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture situates at the south west of Sichuan province. It is the largest Autonomous Prefecture of Yi nationality in China.
The Jinsha River running through Sichuan and Yunnan and its tributaries surging through the Yi areas in northern and northeastern Yunnan are enormous sources of water power.
Comparative study of Yi dialects, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House;
Comparative study of Yi dialects, Sichuan Ethnic Publishing House;