In this paper a current differential relaying system using fiber-oPtic signal transmission channel is described.
However, railway signal transmission channel is very bad, so the signal will inevitably be mixed with a variety of noise.
Channel Encoding technology is one of the key technology in SSC. It aims to realize the non-error transmission of the signal.
If the length of its cyclic prefix is larger than the delay spread of transmission channel, we can get a simple frequency equalizer to demodulate OFDM signal.
对于传统的OFDM系统来说,如果循环前缀的长度大于信道的时延扩散值,则可以通过简单的频域均衡来解调OF DM信号。
Due to satellite communication's long channel, far distance transmission and its wave through troposphere and ionosphere often brings the signal deamplification, noise and wrong code.
As the signal is shifted from the original center frequency, the RF power analyzer reads lower and lower power levels as more and more of the signal shifts out of the intended transmission channel.
Error multiplication caused by channel noise in eletric transmission system can be demmonstrated by signal to noise ratio between error rate function curve.
But change of telemetering signal interval caused by channel noise will affect transmission accuracy of telemetering information when it is used to transmit telemetering signals.
The weighting values are determined as a function of frequency based upon a state of a communication channel and the transmission mode of the signal.
However, with the increase of transmission rate in a single channel, the quality of the signal would be more affected by dispersion, non-linear and so on.
According to the invention, original information is coded in a main channel and a sub channel to generate a signal for transmission, the sub channel being more robust with regard to channel effects.
During the transmission of digital image, the signal may be blurred by the Point Spread Function (PSF) of the 2-dimensional channel.
These algorithms are used during silence periods of speech to reduce ratio of transmission and improve ratio of use in signal channel. It's a best silence compression scheme for G. 729.
These algorithms are used during silence periods of speech to reduce ratio of transmission and improve ratio of use in signal channel. It's a best silence compression scheme for G. 729.