Since then, scientists have found clues to explain these animal transitions in the fossil and molecular records, as well as in energetic analyses, but the full story is yet to be discovered.
Schrodinger's is said to have devised the experiment to ridicule the emerging theories of quantum physics; but since then physicists have found many examples of superposition in the quantum world.
I'm glad my mother never knew how high I dared to climb... ever since then, I have always found it well worth paying the price to reach the vantage point that affords life's best perspective.
Since then, however, scientists have found a number of well-preserved theropod fossils with many more featherlike structures, corresponding to downy feathers and feathers with vanes.
Since then, other studies have found that when treated with worms, people with inflammatory bowel disease can improve and diabetic patients may return to normal blood-glucose levels.
So he found work as a trader in the Belgian Congo instead and then moved to Brussels, where he has remained ever since.
But since then other polls have found the same.
Since then some more public money has found its way to Brazil's poorest, but proportionately the amounts remain small.
Most of the elephant fields found since then have come by examining the survey data gathered years ago with faster computing techniques.
Since then, archaeologists have found more than a thousand artefacts.
An agent found him by chance and decided to sign him, since then, David recorded his album and got famous around the world.
Since then, he found the contractor who handles the build-outs of his stores a great source of intelligence for new building projects.
"Since then we've found that microbes are a lot more rugged than we originally thought," he added. "in addition, Mars might be more hospitable to life than we originally thought."
Since then, I have found that the locusts or cricket immediately told Yang Yang, because Yang Yang catch technology is very good.
During the weeks since then, I have found that long-term good posture continues to help me.
Ever since then, I have always found it well worth paying the price to reach the vantage point that affords life's best perspective.
They found bear tracks when you went missing and they have killed many of my people since then. They will not stop looking for you.
Since then, the plasticisers have been found in a range of foods and drinks.
David found that nitrous oxide, as young as 21 years old. Since then, he has become famous for Europe's young scientists.
Since then, these creatures have been found living happily under the enormous pressures found at the bottom of many of the world's deepest oceans.
Since then this has worked so well that his fan base has become very international and can be found in all parts of the world.
Since then they have found numerous and deep applications in areas ranging from theoretical physics, symplectic geometry, knot theory, and modular representations of reductive algebraic groups.
Other studies since then have failed to show such a link. In January, Britain's General Medical Council found that the Wakefield report was dishonest and misleading.
Since then game theory math has found an ever expanding repertoire of applications among a wide range of scientific disciplines.
Acrylamide was found in some heated food in 2002. A lot of research about the safety of acrylamide in food has been carried on in many countries since then.
Since then, others have found that a slight delay of 10 minutes in the first retrieval made the task just mentally challenging enough to be beneficial.
Since then, his hydroponic plant walls have been found on museums, hotels, and office buildings around the world.
Since then, his hydroponic plant walls have been found on museums, hotels, and office buildings around the world.