Creating a Single Column - Multi Control Data table.
Ranges may consist of more than a single column or a single row.
Often times a single column is enough for a great mobile design layout.
The project table has a single column named projectDoc of type XML.
project表只有一列,列名为 projectDoc,类型为XML。
This is a patented single column machine for drilling or for tapping.
The menu element was designed to be used for single column menu lists.
There are some exception cases where the 'single column' rule can be broken.
Therefore, for Pocket PC devices, always display portlets in a single column.
Users love having multiple account support and a single column view of tweets.
It is also possible that several attributes could map to a single column in a table.
The XML data is stored in a DB2 9.1 table that contains a single column of type XML.
XML数据存储在DB2 9.1表中,其中包含单个 XML类型的列。
This series machine is single column vertical lathe, it has a railhead and a side head.
Create a new layer, select the Single Column Marquee Tool and click once on your layout.
We've added a way to quickly and easily remove all filter conditions from a single column.
Of course, it would be impossible to explain the entire Han Ye Seul controversy in a single column.
This requires no change to the relational schema since the XML document is stored in a single column.
You cannot create a unique index on a single column if that column contains NULL in more than one row.
Present navigation as a list of links in a single column beneath the page title and left-aligned on the page.
Tweetietweetie for Mac: This single column gem launched with a bang, thanks the popularity of their mobile app.
For this purpose, an indexed column is any single column with an index or the first column named in a composite index.
For example, consider a migration that merges first_name and last_name database columns to a single column called name.
Users can elect to store different XML documents that correspond to different registered schemas within a single column.
The analysis on integral dynamic behavior of structure of station built on T-type single column pier should be carried out.
In this column, I will take a look at just a few highlights of XPath 2.0 -- there are far too many to mention in a single column.
在本篇专栏文章中,我只研究 XPath2.0的几个要点 ―由于要点太多,因而无法在一篇专栏文章中全部研究。
Note that you actually allow the option to conveniently specify a single column and a single row instead of a columns and rows range.
An index can be created on a single column, on derived values of a single column, or on a combination of columns and derived values of columns.
In our application, we change this to a single column title for the adjuster's name and also update the information shown for each subscription.
It should be short and snappy, and no more than about 40 characters long (the width of a single column of text on a standard Economist page).
Also, the page is laid out as a single column; the ribboned title encourages the user to start their journey at the top and flow down from there.
Also, the page is laid out as a single column; the ribboned title encourages the user to start their journey at the top and flow down from there.