GtkEntry - a single line text entry field.
It's not at all unusual to find that a single text line to a shell can do the same work as a hundred-line program.
Text can be single-line (a text field) or multiline (a text area).
Present navigation as a series of links in a single line of text in a horizontal bar under the header (s), if any.
Ruby and Groovy developers like to brag about how they can iterate across a text file and print its contents to the console with a single line of code.
Mac OS ends lines with the carriage return character, and many text processing tools treat such files as a single line. To fix that, we can use the following tricks.
The subform contains a single line of HTML code. To replace the logo with text, use the following line.
For the sample in Listing 5, a single line from the log file (as seen in Listing 2) will be the input Text object that is passed into the map method.
Each line of typed text is treated as a single object and appears as a separate layer on the Timeline.
A header or footer is a single line of text that prints near the top or bottom of every page.
A single line of text displayed at the top of the navigation bar.
The editing is accomplished by replacing the text of the item with a single-line edit control containing the text.
How can I text on a single line only using HTML and inline CSS?
JTextField is a lightweight component that allows the editing of a single line of text.
A textbox field allows a customer to enter a single line of freeform text.
Footnotes should be typed single spaced at the bottom of the appropriate page and separated from the text by a 3-inch line starting from the left margin with one space above and below it.
If there is no solution to the input data, the line contains text "no solution.". If there are more solutions having the minimum number of words, you can choose any single one of them.
The user can click in the selection margin to select a single line of text or double-click to select the entire paragraph that the line double-clicked is contained within.
It only works for a single line of text though, because we set the line's height to the same height as the containing box element.
Ignatius likes to write words in reverse way. Given a single line of text which is written by Ignatius, you should reverse all the words and then output them.
Ignatius likes to write words in reverse way. Given a single line of text which is written by Ignatius, you should reverse all the words and then output them.