In current mode, it can support stable single phase current and connect with power grid.
Analyse principle of operation, technology feature of single-phase alternating current induced liquid metal electromagnetic pump wave soldering machine.
Can reliably determine, within the community and bounds detection ma level and zero-sequence current phase short circuit fault current, automatic removal of single-phase ground fault and phase fault.
Zero current transition (ZCT) topology of the single switch three phase boost power factor correction (PFC) rectifier is proposed.
On the railway of electrization, power supply mode is requested to be the single-phase alternating current.
In the paper, the reduced single phase short-circuit current equation expressing as positive sequence impi dance only is showed.
In this paper, based on the orthogonality of sine function, a detection approach of generalized reactive current suitable for both the single phase and three phase active power filters is presented.
A new method of current decomposition is proposed for single-phase circuit with periodical voltage and current.
The harmonic characteristic of input current in single-phase voltage source PWM converter is analyzed theoretically.
Aim at an-arc suppression reactor earthing power system, we design a suit of microcomputer system for compensating single-phase earthing current and selecting line.
Aim at an-arc suppression reactor earthing power system, a suit of microcomputer system for compensating single-phase earthing current and selecting line was designed.
According to the equivalent circuit model of non-linear load, a detecting approach of harmonic current in single-phase circuit based on fast iterative algorithm in active power filter is proposed.
The lump-constant equivalent model is built to represent the relation of any single phase voltage and mold current with this characteristic.
Silicon miniature single-phase bridge. Max recurrent peak reverse voltage 1000 V. Max average forward current 1.0 a.
Single phase motors are protected against both high operating temperatures and high current by a built in, automatically resetting thermal overload.
The harm of single-phase grounding fault current in the medium-voltage power network has been gotten the universal solicitude of people.
The self-extinguishing of the arc caused by a single-phase grounding fault depends mainly on the amplitude of the residual current at grounding point.
The single-phase harmonic current components can also be detected by the method effectively through constructing a dummy symmetry three-phase power system.
On account of the weak fault current and unstable fault arc, the problems of the single phase to ground fault line selection in the non-solid earthed network have never been thoroughly resolved.
Single phase bridge rectifier. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 200 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 1.0 a.
单相整流桥。经常性最大峰值反向电压200五,最大平均整流电流1.0 A。
Single phase bridge rectifier. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 200 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 1.5 a.
单相整流桥。经常性最大峰值反向电压200五,最大平均整流电流1.5 A。
Single phase glass passivated bridge rectifier. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 400 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 1.0 a.
Single phase bridge rectifier. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 600 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 1.5 A.
单相整流桥。经常性最大峰值反向电压600V最大平均正向整流电流1.5 A。
Single phase glass passivated bridge rectifier. Max repetitive peak reverse voltage 600 V. Max average forward rectified current 1.0 a.
单相玻璃钝化整流桥。最大反向重复峰值电压600V最大平均正向整流电流1.0 A。
Single phase glass passivated bridge rectifier. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 50 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 2.0 a.
单相玻璃钝化整流桥。经常性最大峰值反向电压50V最大平均正向整流电流2.0 A。
This paper researches the testing requirement of voltage and current when relay closed or opened if the relay loaded AC single phase separate step motor.
According to the difference of passing current and constructive mode of conductor, the conductor propagation is divided into three-phase, two-phase and single-phase propagation, etc.
Single phase glass passivated bridge rectifier. Maximum recurrent peak reverse voltage 600 V. Maximum average forward rectified current 1.0 a.
单相玻璃钝化整流桥。经常性最大峰值反向电压600V最大平均正向整流电流1.0 A。
This paper introduces principle and application of a new method circuit selection for small current system when single phase grounding failure happens, namely remote sensing circuit selection device.
This paper introduces principle and application of a new method circuit selection for small current system when single phase grounding failure happens, namely remote sensing circuit selection device.