Citi Prestige card members around the world can tap into their global concierge through a single point of contact.
This person is the single point of contact for development activities.
Thus, we have a single point of contact for modifying the core behaviour of the Objects we create.
The goal of the data Access Object pattern is to provide a single point of contact to a particular data source.
A single point of contact in the office or on location ensures strong customer support every step of the way.
Each trial should have a single point of contact for the trial as a whole, regardless of the countries in which the trial is being conducted.
Service portals typify this pattern, providing a single point of contact for multiple services and hiding the details of internal services.
Facade VM - to provide a single point of contact for a large scale system consisting of many virtual machines to view collection as a single unit.
A graphical user interface that provides a single point of contact for browsing, analyzing, and correlating logs produced by multiple products.
Over the course of every project, Real Idea provides maximum protection of your intellectual property and offers single-point-of-contact project management for unsurpassed efficiency and convenience.
The Support Line provides an initial 'single' point of contact to access information and referral services that assist small businesses during the global recession.
The buckling of an axially compressive strut constrained by a flexible sleeve is studied for the cases of a single point contact and a curved line contact between the strut and the sleeve.
The influence law of clearance on load distribution of single row four-point contact ball slewing bearings is researched.
But it is not easy to visualize how it is accomplished in the case of a continuous turning with a single point turning tool, specially when the chip-tool contact pressure is as high as 70 MPa.
Before that only a single contact with the tape drive (only a box of tapes), hoping that the specific point of the best, thank you.
These impacts and loads are concentrated at a single point or line of contact between follower and cams, as mentioned before.
These impacts and loads are concentrated at a single point or line of contact between follower and cams, as mentioned before.