The title refers to a real place, a vast and luxurious urban-renewal project in Chengdu that is being built on the site of a former top-secret munitions factory complex.
This site USES interactive maps, slideshows and animations to explain the context of a vacant site on the Thames River, ready for housing and a factory.
Ceiling in the kitchen or bathroom will generally use the metal ceiling, it is a kind of finished ceiling, in the factory processing, only on-site installation, more beautiful.
Have at least five years experience of working in a factory or site environment, preferably within the construction materials industry.
The witnesses of the Labor Department included the injured worker, who was indeed reluctant to participate, the official inspecting our factory and a safety expert on construction site.
The formerly derelict building is located within the Wuwei Creative Industry Park, on the site of a former chemical-fibre factory.
We have a great site for an additional factory, but will wait to see what 2009 brings in the way of surplus production and future tomato pricing.
The total complex is consisted of an integrated canned pickle factory production and storage site and a multifunctional administrative facility.
Plant orientation tour: a brief walkabout of factory site and associated facilities (labs, offices etc. ), the materials, materials flow, site security.
An Afghan laborer at a brick factory in Jalalabad, looks on at his work site on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, Sept. 26, 2009.
It is only a short helicopter flight from the center of town to the factory site.
A girl stands near water towers outside her home near the site of the Union Carbide factory on November 27, 2009 in Bhopal, India.
RI7100A System Options can be factory installed at the time of purchase, or anytime at a customer's site.
RI 7100a系统选项可以在工厂购买时安装,或在客户现场随时安装。
As a 'turn-key' manufacturer, the VMS (contractors for the construction) system helps reduce the amount of time spent on-site thanks to rapid-assembly and a streamlined supply chain from the factory.
At the same time, technical and economic comparison was carried at in consideration of various factors. The site for building a factory was determined at last.
Using the groundwater monitoring data in 1994 of a beer factory in Shengyang, the fuzzy cluster analysis was made to the well site and several monitoring project. Also, the result was evaluated.
It was built entirely from a metal skeleton (lightweight construction), most of which was built in the factory and transported to the site for erection and finishing touches.
Differing from past sale centers, Lahas Zone was comprohensively renovated from an old factory building instead of built a new on the Lahas Zone site in accordance to maintaining green.
Covering an area of 6.000 square meters, this factory owns a garden-like factory site and high quality employees.
5-year-old Sachin Kumar washes himself in a slum near the site of the deserted Union Carbide factory in Bhopal of India, on Nov. 30, 2009.
2009年11月30日,在印度的博帕尔,5岁的沙欣·库马尔在废弃化工厂附近的贫民窟里洗澡,这里的水已经受到污染。 他一出生腿步就患有残疾。
5-year-old Sachin Kumar washes himself in a slum near the site of the deserted Union Carbide factory in Bhopal of India, on Nov. 30, 2009.
2009年11月30日,在印度的博帕尔,5岁的沙欣·库马尔在废弃化工厂附近的贫民窟里洗澡,这里的水已经受到污染。 他一出生腿步就患有残疾。