One example is "Xibaipo," the only other animated feature in theaters at the same time as "Kung Fu Panda 2," produced by DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. of Glendale.
Mr Geffen is also fond of the maxim, says Jeffrey Katzenberg, a friend for 35 years and his partner, along with Steven Spielberg, in the creation of DreamWorks SKG.
格芬也喜欢说格言,他35年的老友兼合伙人杰弗里•卡岑贝格(JeffreyKatzenberg)如是说。 他们二人连同斯蒂芬•斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)一起创建了梦工厂。
Originally formed under the banner of DreamWorks SKG, it was spun-off into a separate public company in 2004.
DreamWorks animation was formed by the merger of the feature animation division of DreamWorks SKG and Pacific Data Images (also known as PDI).
梦工厂动画部由梦工厂s KG分离出来的动画部门和太平洋数据图像(众所周知的PDI)组成。
In 2000, DreamWorks SKG created a new business division, DreamWorks Animation, that would regularly produce both types of animated feature films.
在2000年,梦工厂s KG创建了新的商业部门,梦工厂动画部,他们规律制作了具有动画类型和动画特征的电影。
In the same year DreamWorks SKG produced the Prince of Egypt using traditional animation techniques.
The first part illustrates by means of text analysis the differences of the culture production mode reflected in the cartoons reproduced from fairy tales by the Disney and DreamWorks SKG.
The first part illustrates by means of text analysis the differences of the culture production mode reflected in the cartoons reproduced from fairy tales by the Disney and DreamWorks SKG.