What It's Like: Dry skin cracks easily, making you more prone to infection and premature wrinkling.
Check the cast frequently for cracks or weak areas, and monitor the skin surrounding the cast.
His skin looked as if it was burnt and sore, and his teeth were yellow, but there were cracks in them with a red stain.
Skin dries and cracks painfully in the moistureless air.
The being's skin softly glows , and white light peeks between the cracks of its armor.
Its symptoms are dry, itchy, scaly skin, cracks behind the ears, and rashes on the cheeks, arms, and legs.
Is the skin on your feet so dry that it cracks open? Yes No.
The approximate engineering approaches for stress intensity factor (SIF) of skin with multiple site cracks and skin and stringer with cracks are given.
The final product should have a luster to the skin, no cracks and clear lettering, ' says the chef, who isn't related to Spring Moon's Chef Lau.
KFC opening the door to avoid the optional surface bubbles (white dots) and ash (black spots), as well as cracks, burrs, from obvious defects of the skin, such as profiles.
I suffered from severe eczema with painful swelling and oozing of the skin, bleeding cracks, severe scaling, itching and burning.
Furthermore, is the constant contact with water, soak your hands in the water long under the skin easy to lose fat, causes cracks after drying.
Jack is a nice guy but he has one habit that really gets under my skin: he sits there all day and cracks his knuckles. You know, I think he doesn't even realize he's doing it.
Jack is a nice guy but he has one habit that really gets under my skin: he sits there all day and cracks his knuckles. You know, I think he doesn't even realize he's doing it.