It's very silky and is mainly grey to SLATE blue.
The SLATE blue, white birds and at the end of another Hopewell opened the door.
The Vendome dial lay-out is completely different from the older, slate blue design and came in three colours.
Old can be seen in the roadway is carved dragon fish have a delicate flower pattern or engraved with calligraphy masters of poetry consisting of slate blue water tanks.
The black colour is diluted and is now a greyish blue colour, beautifully described by the British as "Slate".
Her slate-blue skirts were kilted boldly about her waist and dovetailed behind her.
Those come in addition to the slate gray and dark blue that professionals like.
除此之外,还有供专业人士使用的石板灰色和深蓝色。 。
Those come in addition to the slate gray and dark blue that professionals like.
除此之外,还有供专业人士使用的石板灰色和深蓝色。 。