As you read this, you are likely aware of what time it is, how old you are, your checking account balance, your weight, and so on.
So if you're worried about anyone knowing how old you are, be careful where you spit.
You know, dears, in the old countries there are many fine stories about things which happened so very long ago that nobody knows exactly how much of them is true.
朋友们,你们都知道,在那些古老的王国里总流传着很多传奇故事。 这些故事流传了很久很久以至于没有人知道这些故事当中哪些真的发生过。
How old are you? And how do you stay looking so young and beautiful?
Divorce! But you look so young. How old are you?
No matter how old you are or where you live, learning has become truly accessible, so there's really no excuse for you not to.
But you look so young. How old are you?
The boys are 10 and 15 years old, so you can imagine how busy my life is outside of work, with their school activities.
He was a new doctor, and did not know her. so he first asked some questions, and one of them was, How old are you?
The spirit looked kindly at the old man. 'How strange that you've forgotten it for so many years! What is that on your face? Are you crying?'
Okay. Maybe girls around this country are old looking, foul mouthed, and fat, but then again how could you say so in a way that makes you seem superior to them?
So he first asked some questions, and one of them was: "How old are you?"
So he first asked some questions, and one of them was: "How old are you?"